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LUNA & me
  • When Bemo was a wee puppy

  • Bemo's favourite place to chase birdies

  • Bemo's second autumn

  • Bemo loves walking on snow


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel | Adult

Hello - I’m Bemo, a 20 month-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. I’m so full of energy and excitement all the time, and I like nothing better than to chase squirrels, falling leaves and investigate all the amazing things I see on all of my walkies! I always like to meet my special doggie friends while I’m out and about and to get extra tummy rubs from some of their owners.

When not out and about I just love to curl up on the sofa with my head on someone’s lap and be told that I’m a good dog which I am, (mostly…) At other times I like nothing better than to pick up a special toy from my toy basket and to encourage people to have a little game of tug of war and ‘fetch’ with it. Somehow, I always seem to win the game!

To make sure I stay happy and healthy my human Mummy and Daddy wanted to make sure that I always have the very best to eat, ever since I arrived at just eight weeks old. They had done a lot of research on what was best for me and had set their hearts on raw food as they believed it was the most species-appropriate diet for dogs. After all, in the wild nobody is going to cook our food for us! A balanced diet that has just what I need, with no extra fillers or things that we dogs have not evolved to eat is just what I need to keep my insides healthy and my joints supple so I can get the most out of life. It also makes my long fluffy hair soft and shiny, so I always look my best.

They chose LUNA & me Patties for me from day one and I’m so glad they did. As one patty is 100g they are so easy to portion so I get just what I need, and they are also so easy to defrost so I never have to wait long for my dinner. I really like the different varieties too. My absolute favourites are the Beefy Beef and Dandy Duck patties, but to make sure that I have a good blend of different proteins I also enjoy plenty of Chick-Chick Chicken, Perky Turkey, Porky Pork, and Luna’s Lamb patties too.

For a Christmas treat last year I had the Glorious Goat Patties and really enjoyed them too. I wonder what I will be having this year for Christmas dinner. Now a good dog like me is always deserving of a rewarding treat from time to time (within moderation of course) and my absolute favourite is the LUNA & me Kelp Kisses. Whatever I am up to, I can hear the bag opening and I know that so long as I’m a good boy and do my training tricks I will be having a tasty reward and undoubtedly get a tickle under the chin and a pat too. All in all, if this is what they call ’a dog’s life’ I have no complaints at all!

Bemo loves these LUNA & me products:

  • Adult Glorious Goat Patties
  • Adult Luna's Lamb Patties
  • Bare Beefy Beef Patties
  • Bare Chick, Chick Chicken Patties
  • Bare Dandy Duck Patties
  • Bare Perky Turkey Patties
  • SuperBlends Kelp Kisses
  • Bare Necessities Box, Patties
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