Picking her up - she was so small!!
First couple of nights
After their first meeting, they got on so well
Enjoying their raw food together
Sylvie, happy and healthy after breakfast nap
Sphynx | Adult
When we first got Sylvie, she was the tiniest kitten I had ever seen. She clearly was the runt of the litter, because of her sweet and loving temperament she probably let everyone else eat first. She weighed under 1 kg at 12 weeks old. We already had our other cat, Loki, who was raw fed right after being weaned. He was always a big strong and healthy cat and we were worried if he would pick on his 1 kg new little sister. Loki had known the great taste of LUNA & me and his breeder recommended it to us. We knew we wanted to feed raw, and we love the convenience of the LUNA & me patties.
Have tried other raw products, that bled in our fridge and having to spend ages on defrosting them (if we forgot the night before) whilst having Loki angrily scream at us that he was demanded his breakfast, we knew that we wanted to go for LUNA & me. The ease of the patties makes it a breeze to defrost and Lokis' favourite flavour was Turkey & Version (what a spoiled cat getting Venison all the time). We were worried about having to switch from kibble to raw with Sylvie and spend ages researching the best way to do it, we did not want to shock her with the new food. In the end I decided to just give her a patty, and see how she does. She LOVED every bite, ate her venison patty so enthusiastically, it was a breeze switching her from kibble to raw. Now Sylvies' favourite flavour is Whisker Lickin' Chicken, however for their Christmas treat they have new flavours of the three bird and sublime rabbit which they are loving.
Sylvie is now an adult cat and weighs a healthy weight, and Loki cannot pick on her anymore. LUNA & me really transformed her health and shows the best side of their personality.
Sylvie loves this LUNA & me product:
- Essential Sublime Rabbit Patties
- RawBlends Tasty Turkey & Wild Venison
- RawBlends Whisker Lickin' Chicken