Maggie at 4 months old
Maggie at 6 month old at the Clay shooting ground
Maggie asleep she loves the sunshine
Hungarian Vizsla | Puppy
We purchased Maggie from a respectable breeder in June 2022 and was advised that she was being fed on Luna & me puppy patties that we immediately took on board and have kept her on ever since. She is highly complemented on her shiny coat, lean build and friendly nature. I walk her twice a day through local woods which she loves, she sleeps every night at the bottom of our bed in her basket and is in a regular routine with her exercise and meals. She travels everywhere with me visiting my children, going to the clay shooting ground and now down to the pheasant shoots.
Maggie is now 18 months and is full beautiful member of our family, she still has her puppy moments, zooming around our house grabbing my slippers if they are around and then teasing me with them. Her morning starts regularly at around 6am where she comes down stairs to do her business, at around 7am she has her breakfast of rice and a Luna & me Pattie. Off for her morning walk at around 9am till about 10.30 returning for her to then sit in front of the fridge for her regular carrot that she loves. Midday meal of dry Royal Canine plus another Luna & me Pattie keeps her going for her second walk at about 3pm which usually extends to about 5pm where she then returns for her evening meal of chicken and Luna & me Pattie.
Maggie is an amazing intelligent dog that is full of love and affection for every member of our family, my two daughter adore her as do my grand children. They all regularly offer to have her for walks or just for entertainment in their own homes, she has made many doggy friends in her first 18 months of life and I really believe her energy and beautiful condition is partly due to the Luna & me diet we have always had her on. We will continue purchasing Luna & me and will start moving her onto a variety of your adult raw food within the next few months.
Maggie loves these LUNA & me products:
- Adult Beefy Beef Patties
- Adult Chick, Chick Chicken Patties
- Adult Dandy Duck Patties
- Puppy Box, Patties