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LUNA & me
  • Our boys with their first box

  • The Boys

  • Piglet

  • Otis


Chihuahua | Adult

We started feeding our 2 dogs a raw food brand available in the supermarket and whilst they were initially excited about it they soon lost interest - we did some research because we knew we wanted them to have a high quality diet, after doing lots and lots of research on - we came across LUNA & me - AND WOW!

We started with the ‘Adult Starter Box, Patties’ which came with some SuperBlends Coconut Crunch which went down a real treat!! Our chihuahua Ragnar (affectionately nicknamed Piglet) has an incredibly sensitive stomach due to damage that was done in a surgery a few years ago, which has left him very picky and unexcited by food (which is a nightmare considering he must have medication hidden in his food twice a day)! Well, he LOVES his LUNA & me - they've been on it for a few months now and they are still so excited to eat twice a day!!

Otis (our Boston Terrier) is loving his food too and he's much less gassy than he used to be on conventional dog food (other Boston Terrier owners will know exactly what I mean)! His coat is also noticeably shinier and his overall health continues to be very good. As he has a low grade luxating patella we will be trying him with the ‘Superblends Bone Broth’ going forward to help with his joints – we’ve been waiting to get them settled on their patties first before introducing something like this!

Both boys are absolutely thriving on their new raw diet, and we're confident that they're getting all the nutrients they need! We're so pleased to find a brilliant, ethical brand that both our boys are loving! Thank you so much LUNA & me!

Piglet and Otis love these LUNA & me products:

  • Adult Beefy Beef Patties
  • Adult Chick, Chick Chicken Patties
  • Adult Dandy Duck Patties
  • Adult Perky Turkey Patties
  • Adult Starter Box, Patties
  • Daily Favourites Box, Patties
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